Remember when Donald Trump was asked about sacrifice?
Pressed by Stephanopoulos to identify the sacrifices he made for his country, Trump said, "I think I've made a lot of sacrifices. I work very, very hard. I've created thousands and thousands of jobs, tens of thousands of jobs, built great structures. I've had tremendous success."
And it’s not over. America should prepare, because Donald Trump is going to sacrifice all over us.
Kellyanne Conway, a Senior Advisor to President-Elect Trump, said people should focus less on Trump’s conflict-of-interest and more on the “sacrifice” he’s making to his business career by becoming president.
That’s right. He’s going to sacrifice by having even more tremendous success. He’ll do it for you, America. Of course, most of that success won’t actually be in the United States, but just think of that as part of the sacrifice.
“It’s a unique situation to have such a successful businessman that has so many holdings ascend to the oval office. But I also want people to see what a sacrifice it is. He has invested tens of millions of dollars and other deals have had to wait, because he’s doing this. But his adult children are right there, they’re already his colleagues, he’s already been their mentor and they’re already chief executives there.”
It’ll comfort everyone to know that the kids will be there to hold out the bucket, so Donald can rake in the dollars rublessacrifice.